Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Summer Sales.....WINNING!!

If there was a prize for getting the biggest bargains during the sales, I may have just won!

The Summer sales have well and truly begun and with most shops offering 40% - 50% reductions, now is the time to snap up some great bargains.

Sales always tend to bring out my bad side  i.e. stalking an item that I think someone might snatch before me, spending too much money, justifying spending too much money and generally losing the run of myself whilst trying to get a 'good deal'. 

However, this time around I have managed to only spend on items that will last and carry me through to other seasons i.e. I am embracing quality over quantity. 

With this new thinking in mind, I made my way to Mulberry in Brown Thomas and found the 40% reduction in their bags too hard to resist. I have always lusted after a Mulberry bag but never been able to afford it so when I justified the purchase to myself and calculated the cost per wear ratio (v important don't you know!), I bought the Mulberry Lily Bag! (see photo below)

Here  are my tips for sale shopping:

1. Don't simply buy something because it is reduced. Think if you are actually going to wear it and if it fits in with your existing wardrobe. If it doesn't, it's probably a mistake.

2. Invest in quality i.e. go for good tailoring, high quality leather etc

3. If you're going to invest in Designer, make sure that you're not buying into a fad trend that will be out of fashion before you know it and instead, invest in classic designs that will exude Designer luxury.
4. Try not to exceed your credit card limit!! ;)

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